Abutilon indicum Linn. has been used as a traditional medicine in inducing wound healing. In this study, the extracts of the A. indicum leaves were investigated for wound healing activity, in order to obtain an accurate elucidation of its traditional use. Wound healing activity was evaluated by incorporating ethanolic and aqueous extracts in Simple Ointment B.P. using excision wound model, in Albino Wistar rats. Rate of wound healing was calculated at 4, 8, 12 and 16 days after the wounding. Wound healing rates were observed significantly higher in the ethanolic and aqueous extract treated groups than in the control group. The effect produced by the extract ointments, in terms of wound contracting ability and period of epithelialisation were comparable to those of the standard drug framycetin cream. The present study has shown that ethanolic and aqueous extracts of A. indicum leaves possesses wound healing activity and thus provided the evidence in support of its traditional use.